Online Church and Learning to be Flexible

We had a first on Sunday...our worship leaders were leading worship from their living room as both of them were recovering from COVID!

The picture that goes with this article was my view on Sunday while the worship leaders sang from their home. We listened and sang along with their familiar voices even though we couldn't see their faces.

Their home is within a few hundred feet of ours...they live in our neighborhood. So here are our neighbors leading worship from their living room, over the internet on zoom...coming right into our worship service live! We know how to livestream worship to the people at home but how about livestreaming the worship leaders to the church?!?

Welcome to 2021.

Crazy times.

As I reflected on this it hit me - we are learning to be flexible. If we can have COVID positive worship leaders leading while not even being present and with several other members of Backyard church who are vulnerable to the cold weather all on Zoom to make sure everyone can still be involved in the worship...what kind of challenges are we preparing for down the road?

I do wonder if God is teaching us to be flexible. I also wonder why. Why is He teaching us to be flexible? Because we were too rigid...because something down the road will require it...both?

I don't know the answer to that but I do know how proud I am of the resiliency and creativity of our people!

Let us consider the blessings of all we are learning during the trying times and see how God is both shaping us and shaking us! And may we be all the more ready for the challenges that face the people of God in the next 50 years because challenges are coming.


Poetry Column: January


The Church Has Always Been a Virtual Body