Is In Transition
201 - Open Mic 201 - Open Mic Is In Transition

I want to make you all aware of some changes coming to Wineskins. Over the last few months I have been praying for God's direction and it has become abundantly clear that it is time for me to transition out of my role running Wineskins. It is a long story and it is all very positive!

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Have Churches of Christ Lost Their "Why?"
201 - Open Mic 201 - Open Mic

Have Churches of Christ Lost Their "Why?"

The initial impulse for a Restoration Movement that resulted in churches of Christ came out of a world of religious division. If the problem was division and the goal was unity, the approach was to achieving that unity was to shed tradition and get back to the basics of the Bible. The idea was that if we all go back to the way things were in the New Testament church then we would find unity.

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Hermeneutics of the Heart: Spiritual Formation and Biblical Interpretation
201 - Open Mic 201 - Open Mic

Hermeneutics of the Heart: Spiritual Formation and Biblical Interpretation

Much ink has been spilt over the subject of hermeneutics. Most often, however, these discussions focus upon the method of interpretation. In this article I will focus upon the necessarily prior thing: the interpreter. Specifically, I intend to show that the spiritual formation and virtue (or lack thereof) of the interpreter is more determinative than any particular interpretive method.

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Abide With Me
201 - Open Mic 201 - Open Mic

Abide With Me

When I first started in the world of ministry many years ago, one of the pieces of advice I received most often was to communicate, communicate, communicate. And then, if I felt like I had done a good job of communicating, I should do it some more. In other words, it would be impossible for me to over-communicate.

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Are We An Evangelical Church?
201 - Open Mic 201 - Open Mic

Are We An Evangelical Church?

I’ve heard it. You’ve heard it. We’ve all heard it. People don’t want to be part of an Evangelical church. They are bothered by what they see online, and embarrassed at the behavior of some Evangelical leaders. They’ve had enough. They want out. In response to this, people occasionally ask me a simple question: Are we an Evangelical church? Though I hate to get into semantics, I usually respond with a discussion of word meanings: I guess it depends what you mean by Evangelical.

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Peter, Paul, and PhDs: Reframing Educational Diversity as an Asset
201 - Open Mic 201 - Open Mic

Peter, Paul, and PhDs: Reframing Educational Diversity as an Asset

“My name is Alyssa, and I’m a PhD candidate completing a dissertation about representations of religious fanaticism in nineteenth-century British Gothic literature. When this is how you introduce yourself, you get used to a lot of responses. Typically, people mention books they think I’d like, make a joke about grammar, or tell me about their college English courses. But at churches, there has sometimes been a different response: that of distaste.

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Poetry Column: September

Poetry Column: September

The Choice I come now to this tenuous junctureWhere I must choose to believe.My breast-fed faithIs weakeningMy presumed and presumptuous tenetsAre eroding like river-run flagstone,Sloughing off like micaIn smoky-transparent sheetsI see no end to this hurting.I feel no confirmation of this hopeI have clutched for these long years;Nor do I require any giftings As brideprice for the unionOf my faith to You.

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Why Your Testimony Should Not Be About You

Why Your Testimony Should Not Be About You

I want to hear your personal testimony. I do. Honestly. I want to hear how God moved in your life and called you to follow Jesus, how you accepted, how you converted, how you now walk in the light. And yours too. And yours. And you, over there sipping the latte. And you in the back of the class. And you with the weird hair. And you with the six kids reading this at baseball practice and dance recitals. I want to hear them all.

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Steal. Kill. Destroy

Steal. Kill. Destroy

Many years ago I read this during my quiet time and it led me on a journey. Here it is: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Eph. 6:12, NIV)

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The Holy Spirit, Trinity, and Hymns...part 1: A Poll

The Holy Spirit, Trinity, and Hymns...part 1: A Poll

Reese writes At the Blue Hole as a hopeful, honest retrospective of the Churches of Christ as a movement. Today, many individual congregations are facing the question of their future. They look back wistfully at a golden age in their life, often in the 1980s and perhaps the 1990s, when their congregation was full of families and displayed a dynamic congregational life.

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Loren Ipsem today
Megan Rawlings Megan Rawlings

Loren Ipsem today

Many people who grew up with a legalistic concept of the Bible have a lot of reprogramming to do, and it can be very hard to know how to untie the knots that we become comfortable with. We need a trusted guide to show us a better path ahead because there can be many missteps one can take along that journey that can derail one's faith.

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Dwelling in Thick Darkness

Dwelling in Thick Darkness

“Thank you, God, for dwelling in thick darkness.”[1] As I listened to my 8-year old daughter pray those words a few weeks ago at dinner, I was moved by the way she spoke to God. The way her words were not simply a dinnertime prayer but a personal and deep conversation where she praised, entreated, interceded, and confessed to God. Where she expressed so much of who God is to her.

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Acts 2:39 - God Cares About Generations and Nations

Acts 2:39 - God Cares About Generations and Nations

In a month of considering how God uses generations for His purposes I am drawn to an easily overlooked verse in Acts 2. We often focus on 2:38 to talk about baptism but what about 2:39? Here is what it says, "The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call." God cares about generations as well as the nations.

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