June Theme: Will We See Movements?

I hear story after story about what God is doing around the world and by around the world, a lot of it is in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. It is truly astounding the amount of growth that is happening in those places and we need to be incredibly grateful that it is taking place.

I am fully convinced that God is moving in America. I am more convinced now than I have ever been in my life. There really isn't any way to know the scale of what God is doing and what God's game plan is for the West.

Now, I hope this doesn't sound like a jealous idea but I really wish we would see in America what is being seen around the world - exponential kingdom growth through reaching the lost, making disciples and planting churches. Again, it isn't that is isn't happening - much of what God is doing doesn't make the headlines!

What Can We Do About This?

Try as we might these kinds of movements are very difficult to find in the West. If we take Jesus seriously then it is important we pray the prayer Jesus told us to pray,

"He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." - Luke 10:2.

You can only pray that prayer until you realize that the worker is you and I! It is time for us to pray boldly for God to use us! Less sit, more go!

Here is the very next word in Luke 10:3 - "Go!"

We start with prayer and we move to go!

Maybe God isn't using us to the degree we see in other places because we aren't praying or going. Have we replaced "go" with something else? Maybe "come" - come to our building. Or maybe with "sit" - "sit and listen to the listen."

Be Discerning

Once we pray regularly for movement we need to be discerning - be on the lookout for the movement of God and join in what you see Him doing. This also means discerning what things to not waste your time and energy on. Be intentional and selective in how you live your life.

Be Bold

Evangelism can be nerve racking! It will make us uncomfortable in a big way. Ask God for boldness and take the lead when you see God affirming the path.


If nothing else we surrender ourselves to God and allow Him to take full control of things. Jesus is Lord - he is Master and in charge. We serve Him as citizens of His kingdom in obedience to His command. Then and only then will we be in a position to be fully utilized by God to expand His kingdom!


Will There Be a Movement?


In Memory of Lynn Anderson - "He Smelled Like Sheep"