"Appreciation" Is Not in the Bible

"Appreciation" Is Not in the Bible

Our theme this month is focused on a term that is not found in the Bible. Go to your Bible app and search various translations for appreciation - you are going to come up pretty short. Just because a specific word isn't in the Bible doesn't mean the concept isn't there either. The Bible is full of calls for us to appreciate each other.

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The Grace of Gratitude

The Grace of Gratitude

We are in a real struggle to have gratitude today. The louder voice is the voice of the critic. Criticism is more expedient because it takes far less time and energy to point out problems than it does to actually make something better. The food at the restaurant isn't just right - can we show grace?

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A Song of Confidence

A Song of Confidence

My boys have recently acquired an Alexa Dot for their bedroom to listen to music and podcasts, and with this introduction of technology comes the really loud playing of music on repeat. Their most recent constant is “Whom Shall I Fear.” They turn the Alexa volume all the way up and sing at the top of their lungs.

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How Technology Helped Kill Appreciation

How Technology Helped Kill Appreciation

As the rate of technological advancement increases, our ability to appreciate what we have is more easily diminished. Let's use phones as an example. They remained virtually unchanged for nearly 100 years until the cordless phone came out...then the bag/mobile phone. Those were the biggest innovations in generations and nothing came after them for quite some time.

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That time I ignored Lynn Anderson's advice

That time I ignored Lynn Anderson's advice

Somewhere at home there are pictures of Lynn and me, photos from the days before Social media or cell photos, they are lost in some box. I've listened to Lynn all across the country, from St. Louis after his release of They Smell like Sheep to Lipscomb's Summer Celebration, but my fondest memories of Lynn are from the days of the Tulsa Soul winning workshop.

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Choose Gratitude Over Chaos

Choose Gratitude Over Chaos

Some people thrive on chaos. They stoke drama...they poke and pick at things until something blows up. Why do people do that? Power. The drama has a certain attraction to it. It puts you in control. And people like to be in control. When you can keep everyone else on their heals, you get the advantage.

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